26 September 2009

100th Loan Approved - Week 14: 21st - 25th September 2009

MAKAZI BORA crossed two milestones in week 14. The 200th client was registered and the week was finished with 216 MAKAZI BORA clients. Registration gives the client a number, identity card, welcome packet and all the forms necessary to apply for a MAKAZI BORA loan. Clients are not considered active clients, however, unless they have received a loan and have an outstanding loan balance.

Also during week 14, the 100th loan was approved within a group of 22 loans that were approved by the credit committee on Friday 25th September. A total of 102 loans have been approved since the doors opened on 22nd June. Not all of these loans have been disbursed yet. The proposed disbursement date for the 22 loans approved on 25th September is on the 1st of October. Clients have been notified to come and sign loan agreements and will have to make an insurance payment and security deposit prior to having their loans processed and disbursed. One client who had a loan approved at a previous credit committee meeting travelled and has yet to have the loan disbursed. Approval does not necessarily mean immediate disbursement.

Within the loans approved in week 14 was a new loan use under the loan use category of finishing. One client is using the loan to have a water connection from a private water supplier. We have had several electricity connections and quite a few loans for septic tanks and latrines, but this was our first water connection. Water, sanitation and utility upgrades are important improvements in a household's living conditions.

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